Christian Life Theology
Wrestling with God
October 20, 2012

Our primary struggle with God is an issue of control. Any control freaks out there?  Jacob was a serious control freak until God wrestled out of him this deep bondage in his character, so he could move into the promise land.  You can read about this famous wrestling match in Genesis 32:22-32. 

What does God need to wrestle out of you?

Control issues will destroy relationships, especially our relationship with God. When we maintain control in our lives at first we can be successful. However, it can quickly turn to manipulation and even deception. These are deep seeded character flaws.  And these character flaws feed fear and fear ends up controlling us. We think we are controlling our surroundings when in essence we are under the bondage of fear and the enemy easily can have his way in our life.  Jacob’s controlling had quickly turned into manipulation and deception, which made him fearful of his brother Esau. Esau was the one thing in Jacob’s way of entering the promise land and blessings that God had promised him.  But for God it was not the external fear that mostly concerned Him, it was what was behind the fear.  It was the character problem that got Jacob in trouble with his brother. 

Following Jesus is ultimately about radical transformation of the soul from the inside out. God is mainly concerned with our heart – our motives – our character.  Faith is releasing our control to God and trusting Him.
What can we learn from Jacob’s wrestle with God? How do we wrestle with God?
  • ·       Its ok to wrestle with God
  • ·       Undistracted time alone is a necessity
  • ·       Wrestling with God should produce greater reverence for God
  • ·       There is a difference between worldly opportunity and divine opportunity
  • ·       Stop making a name for yourself and live under God’s name
  • ·       Surrender your control issues and fears to the Holy Spirit
  • ·      Don’t run from the wrestle, hang on for the blessing

 So, what does God need to wrestle out of you, so He can move you into the promise land He has for you?  And yes, He does have a promise land for you.  He has a beautiful future and hope for you!  Trust Him and give Him control. 


About author

Stephen Woodrow

Steve is the pastor of Crossroads Church in Aspen Colorado. He is married to Meshell and they have 5 wonderful kids.

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