What Can We Learn from the Tim Tebow Phenomenon?
December 21, 2011
Even if you are not a sports fan chances are you have heard about Tim Tebow the passionate quarterback for the Denver Broncos.  It is amazing how he has brought the discussion of faith into public life through simple gestures and comments of his faith in Christ.  Here are six things I think we can learn from this discussion to hopefully enhance our public witness as individual believers and as the Church.
Faith Can Never Be Removed From What We Do  – Colossians 3:17
I really think one of the reasons this issue is so hot is because it is exposing the utter void of strong leadership in our country at all levels.  If we just look at the sports arena, where are the role models for the next generation?   But it also touches on leadership in general especially politics – where are the leaders with passion and character who are not afraid to speak about their faith?  The whole discussion of the role of faith in sports, politics and in public in general has become so misled.  It is impossible to ever separate a person’s faith from what they do.  Faith by definite points to the source of a person’s ethics and character.  Anyone who tries to separate them only ends up weakening their leadership in the end.  And by the way, everyone has faith in something – even if it is only in themselves.
Do Not Play God, Serve God   – Romans 12:11
Tebow so far has stayed out of all the intellectual theological discussions of the viability of praying to God for a win in light of other players on the other side praying for a win.  As well as the discussions about whether God cares about a football game.  He simply serves God the best he knows how and expects God to favor and bless him.  This really reveals a deficit in so many believers faith when they are more apt to “play God” by thinking through all the “what ifs” rather than simply serve Him with great expectation and let God be God and take care of the results.
Greater the Platform,  Greater the Humility Required – 1 Peter 5:5-7
God’s Word says that we are to humble ourselves and that God will exalt us at the proper time.  I think one of the outstanding things so far about Tebow is his apparent and consistent humility.  He is quick to correct people and say that it is not “Tebow-time” but “Bronco-time”.  He is quick to show his dependence on God, win or lose.  We all have a platform, and humility is key for God’s continued favor and His enlargement of our platform.
Train Hard Now and For Eternity – 1 Timothy 4:8
God’s Word says that physical training is beneficial but that training in godliness is beneficial for the present life and for eternity.  Our training and discipline for our vocation and hobbies should never be removed from our training in godliness.  I love the story about Tebow when in college Playboy magazine called Florida and asked about Tebow being on their all-star team.   The college officials didn’t even ask Tebow what he wanted to do, they knew!  They told playboy he would never do it.  His character and conviction went ahead of him. 
Bear the  Name Don’t Abuse the Name  – 1 Peter 4:13-16
There is only one name that when raised brings out insults and all kinds of controversy.  There is only one name that repeatedly gets abused in the media and no one throws the harassment flag or the culturally or religious sensitive flag.  It is the name Jesus, and it is because His name is above all names.  And as His followers we are to bear His name faithfully and see it as a blessing when we are insulted because of it.  Now, there are unfortunately way too many bad examples of people bearing His name but who are far from His heart and therefore bring shame to His name.  We need to learn to bear the name and not abuse the name.  Tim seems to be giving us a great example.
Live Like God is Our Main Audience – 2 Chronicles 16:9
I  believe when Tim Tebow raises his hands to give thanks he doesn’t give a rip about what the millions watching think – He is rejoicing in his Audience of One.   We need to live like that!  There are still Christians who have  a hard time raising their hands to God even in the midst of worship, because they are too concerned what a few around them think !

About author

Stephen Woodrow

Steve is the pastor of Crossroads Church in Aspen Colorado. He is married to Meshell and they have 5 wonderful kids.

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