In the last two decades we have seen a critique of the Church and Christianity by many who became cynical of a form of religious Christianity that lacked authenticity. Whole movements were started which were centered around critiquing this religious form of Christianity and calling people to evaluate their denominational ties. There have been many books written that have tried to make Christianity more relevant and authentic by criticizing the history and current forms of Christianity. One such book that was written in this time and may even be the seminal work for this movement was written by Donald Miller and called, “Blue Like Jazz.” In the book Donald describes growing up in a Baptist Church and leaving his faith because of the lack of perceived authentic faith. While much of his criticism is just and should be heeded, he never is able to move on to reveal the glories and beauty of the Gospel and the Church. Another book that was a part of this movement was “The Shack.” It reached out to many disillusioned believers with a creative look at relationship with the Trinity, but again it never took the reader to a vision of the life promised by Jesus or a vision of the Body of Christ.
It would appear that we have a whole segment of Christianity that is stuck in a critical view of their past religious experience with Church, but with no empowering vision to move forward. One of the good aspects of this discussion is that it has made an attempt to distinguish the difference between religious Christianity and relational Christianity. Religion is defined by Webster as the service and worship of God or the supernatural; a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices. So, in a technical sense Christianity is a religion as far as it is about service and worship of God. But it is not religious as all other religions who focus on man’s efforts rather than God’s empowering grace. Christianity stops being the vibrant revolutionary movement it’s supposed to be when it becomes religious. It is this form of Christianity that God hates. Consistently throughout the OT and NT God rebukes His people for a form of religion where their hearts are far from Him. So, it is important for us to be aware of the religion in our lives that is holding us back from a vibrant relational faith.
It is time to move on from the critique of the religious aspects of Christianity to call people to the glorious vision of life in Christ as part of His Church. Jesus did not come to reform a form of Judaism, but to fulfill the requirements of the Law for us and usher in a whole new radical movement called the Church. Many believers today are stuck in their faith. Their experience relates more to the disciples faith as portrayed in the Gospels rather than in the book of Acts. In the Gospels for the most part, the disciples faith was weak and confused. But after Pentecost in the book of Acts we see a radical transformation as faith comes alive with the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that it was better that He goes back to the Father so that He could send the Holy Spirit. Faith cannot thrive without an increase in our fellowship with the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.
So where do we start? We start with Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Jesus reveals the Father to us. Both Jesus and the Father desire to bring the Holy Spirit upon us in power. It is the Holy Spirit who testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, brings alive His fruit in our lives and empowers us with His gifts. We need the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to come alive within the Church, so we can be the glorious Body of Christ to the world.