
Leadership Missional Theology
What is the Spirit saying to the Church (part 3)
March 29, 2022
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“An Explosion of Joy” I love that expression and I believe it wonderfully describes a healthy expression of evangelism and Christian mission in the world. Lesslie Newbigin, a British theologian and missionary to India once said, “Mission begins with an explosion of joy.” In this third part, I want to briefly talk about evangelism and […]
Leadership Missional Theology
What is the Spirit saying to the Church? (part 2)
March 6, 2022
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“God is not interesting enough for one to have an opinion about him. Scholars of religion call this attitude ‘apatheism.’” I am uncomfortable even writing that sentence, but sadly that is the growing attitude among many people in America today and a sure sign of our rapid secularization. Every week I try and walk into […]
Missional Theology
Globalization and Spiritual Warfare
July 31, 2017
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Is globalization good? Well, yes and no. I am not going to deal with geo-politics in this blog necessarily, but the spiritual warfare reality behind globalization. Tragically, many Christians are reading their Bibles and living their life with more of a worldly worldview than a biblical worldview. The Bible from beginning to end can only […]
Inspiration Theology
Be Careful When You Say: Always or Never
February 15, 2017
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God has a sense of humor. How do I know? Because it seems like every time I carelessly use the words “always” or “never” I end up eating my words. I told my grandmother for years I would “never” drink coffee. She put a twenty-dollar bill in her journal that I would. I am a […]
Christian Life Church Theology
Hope & Healing for Marriage
September 26, 2015
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There is a wrong view of marriage in our society today, and it has slowly crept into the church as well. Marriage is not an institution of man. It originated with God and was approved by our Lord Jesus. A proper vision for marriage consists primarily of two things: Covenant and Consummation. The Covenant is […]
Devotional Theology
How To Study the Bible
June 8, 2015
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“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105   “Apply thyself wholly to the text; apply the text wholly to thyself.” (attributed to Johann Albrecht Bengel 1687-1752)   “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at My word.” Isaiah […]
Devotional Theology
Easter: Faith, Facts & Feelings
March 31, 2015
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I hope this season finds you more amazed and more in love with Jesus then ever before as God’s family all around the world prepares to gather on Resurrection Sunday proclaiming, “He is risen. He is risen indeed!” But for some, doubt and skepticism and unbelief define their attitude toward Jesus and His resurrection. Christian […]
Theology Tough Issues
Being Salt & Light in a Warring World
March 6, 2015
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How are you thinking about everything that is going on currently in our world? Is your thinking formed by your political commitments and your news channel of choice or is your thinking formed by your theology? It is imperative as followers of Jesus that our thinking is first and foremost formed by the Word of […]
WWJD Remix, To What Extent Can We Be Like Jesus?
February 4, 2015
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What Would Jesus Do? This important question became the WWJD campaign of the 1990s. Wrist bands and a massive product line promoted this campaign across America as believers were encouraged in the midst of everyday situations to stop and ask this question before they responded. The roots of this slogan probably can be traced back […]
Theology Tough Issues
The Fog Over Tolerance
December 27, 2014
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Tolerance is one of many words that our culture has redefined. There is a fog over the definition and application of this word. The basic definition found in the dictionary is: acceptance of different views, tolerating of somebody or something and allowing for deviation. But that is not the definition that is primarily practiced in […]