
What Can We Learn from the Tim Tebow Phenomenon?
December 21, 2011
Even if you are not a sports fan chances are you have heard about Tim Tebow the passionate quarterback for the Denver Broncos.  It is amazing how he has brought the discussion of faith into public life through simple gestures and comments of his faith in Christ.  Here are six things I think we can […]
Christian Life Devotional Inspiration
Overcoming Relational Complacency
December 3, 2011
For me, the months of December and January are becoming more and  more contemplative.  What I mean by that is that I am spending more time reflecting upon the year and then focusing on the new year to come.  The older I get this reflection is not so much goal oriented as it is stewardship […]
Christian Life Devotional Inspiration
Family, Friends, Roadtrips & Surfing
August 17, 2011
This is post 9 of 9 on Awakening to Authentic Community Our family, all seven of us, recently loaded up into our Suburban and headed west to California for some beach time and surfing.  This is becoming a wonderful annual event for us.  This year we invited a few other families to join us on this […]