
Devotional Inspiration
Beautiful Things
December 18, 2012
Mother Teresa has said, “The hunger for love is harder to satisfy than the hunger for bread.”  I encourage you to take some time to really think about that statement, especially this Christmas season.  Most of the talk and action during this season is focused on satisfying the physical needs of people.  But the very […]
Christian Life Inspiration Missional
Priorities, Decisions and Calling
September 11, 2012
What is the priority plan of your house?  Whether you are married with kids or without kids or single we all need a priority plan.  A priority plan defines who we are and sets the foundation for how we make decisions and live out a calling rather than just making a living.  What were the […]
Christian Life Inspiration
LLIF – Live Like Its Forever
July 30, 2012
Have you heard or seen the term YOLO (You Only Live Once)?  It is the most recent texting terminology representing an old philosophy built around “living in the now.”   The problem is that without a proper perspective on our past and a clear hope for the future we cannot truly “live in the now” without […]
Devotional Inspiration
Send Rain
June 29, 2012
The picture attached to this blog was taken by a good friend of mine who lives in CO Springs.  He took this picture close to where he and his family live.  These destructive and out of control wildfires in Colorado have awakened many of us to a more desperate intercession to God for relief and […]
Christian Life Inspiration Leadership
Need Direction?
May 18, 2012
It is one thing to believe in God, but quite another to be led by God.  It is one thing to believe in Jesus, but quite another to follow Jesus.  Who’s lead are you following?  Are you doing the job that God led you to or one that you chose to do?  Do you live […]
Devotional Inspiration
Go Fish
April 2, 2012
That is no optical illusion, it is a 10.5 lb largemouth bass that my son Jonathan is holding.  It is the largest bass I have ever caught and I caught it with my fly rod which made it even more exciting.  But I could never have landed this giant without Jonathan’s help.  If it were […]
Christian Life Church Inspiration
Marriages that Minister
March 10, 2012
We hear a lot about Marriage Ministry, but not nearly enough about Marriages that Minister.  Marriage ministries are those ministries that look to enhance and heal marriages that are either starting or are in trouble.  Marriage ministry is critical and an essential part of the life of the church, but I believe we have not […]
Christian Life Devotional Inspiration
Discovering our “I Must” Plan
February 20, 2012
We have a lot of things we want to do, ought to do, and that we need to do, but what would it be like to live primarily from what we “must” do?  Look how Jesus lived by an “I Must” plan.  “He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer […]
Christian Life Inspiration
Upper Room Friendships
February 6, 2012
Has anyone cast a vision for friendship for you?  Most of us have grown up without any vision for the importance of developing deep intimate friendships.  The quality of our life cannot rise above the quality of our friendships.  If we are not experiencing deep vibrant friendship with others we are not experiencing deep vibrant […]
Christian Life Devotional Inspiration
Living Without Fences
January 29, 2012
Fences are primarily used to keep something from getting in or to keep something from getting out.   They are there to protect and isolate.  They can be a picture of something much deeper going on within our hearts.  We all have spiritual and emotional fences.  We can put up self protection fences in an attempt […]