Church Theology
World-view or Kingdom-view
October 3, 2011
Are there any just natural causes?  Well, you might say, “Sure there are natural causes,  like when the leaves change color every Fall or like when a cold makes you sick.”  But are these “just” natural causes or are there supernatural causes behind them?  If we live in “just” a natural world like many in the modern western world would like us to believe, then where did the idea of a supernatural world ever come from in the first place?  The “natural” alone is incapable of thinking about or producing the “supernatural.”  However, the “supernatural” is capable of producing the “natural.”  Just natural thinking has infected the thinking of the Church with the result that way too many believers are living under more of a world-view of things than a Kingdom-view of things. 
Jesus came to defeat the works of the devil.  This is what 1 John 3:8 tells us.  He came to release the captives from the bondage and blindness of captivity to a world-view and open their eyes to a Kingdom-view of things.  For Jesus and His followers there were no just “natural” causes.  Everything ultimately has behind the natural cause a supernatural cause.  This is because when Jesus came to the earth it was the invading of the Kingdom of Heaven into the Kingdom of the world.  Luke 4 tells us that Satan had authority over all the kingdoms of the world and other scripture tells us that he is the prince and power of the air who is killing, stealing and destroying through the powers of sin and death.  Jesus came to defeat Him.  And that is what He did through His life, death and resurrection.  Jesus left His Church, His Body here on earth to continue this battle and carry on His work of pushing back the darkness of this world.  Let me leave you with a couple questions to help you evaluate whether you are living more with a world-view or Jesus’ Kingdom-view:
Do you get caught up in politics and the world’s problems or are you spending more time praying for our leaders and the world’s problems?  
Remember, Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we battle not with flesh and blood. 
When you get sick do you spend more time dealing with drugs and doctors or more time fasting and praying for insight and healing? 
Remember Mark 16:17-18, that one of the signs of those who believe will be that they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover. Remember, James 5:13-16 tells us that if we are sick and not getting better that we are to ask the elders of the church to pray over us for healing. 
Are you constantly aware that your mind is a spiritual battlefield and that the powers of darkness are trying to captivate you? 
Remember, John 10:10 tells us that the devil comes to kill steal and destroy but that Jesus comes to give us abundant life.  Remember, James 4:7 that tells us to submit to God and resist the Devil and he will flee from us.  Remember 2 Corinthians 10:5, and that we are to be taking captive our thoughts to Christ. 
Let us start our day with knees on the floor ready for war!

About author

Stephen Woodrow

Steve is the pastor of Crossroads Church in Aspen Colorado. He is married to Meshell and they have 5 wonderful kids.

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